Let's face it, university degrees in Australia aren't getting any cheaper. But what if you could graduate sooner and land your dream job faster, all while saving some serious cash? Enter fast-tracking your university course – a strategy that's gaining traction among savvy Australian students.

Imagine this: instead of spending years hitting the books, you could be entering the workforce, earning a real salary, and kicking off your career much quicker. Plus, you'd be saving a chunk of change on tuition fees and living expenses. Sounds pretty enticing, right? Let's dive deeper and explore why fast-tracking your uni course might be the perfect hack for your future.

Fast-Track Your Way to Success

Let's face it, university can be a marathon. Between lectures, assignments, and exams, it's easy to see graduation as a distant finish line. But what if you could reach that finish line sooner? Enter fast-tracking your university course – a strategy gaining popularity among Australian students for good reason. Here's how accelerating your studies can give you a real head start in life:

Graduate Sooner, Start Earning Sooner:

Imagine this – you complete your degree in a shorter timeframe, say two years instead of three. That means entering into jobs a whole year earlier! This jumpstart gives you a significant advantage. You'll be gaining valuable professional experience while your peers are still hitting the books. Think about it: a year of real-world experience on your resume can make you a much more attractive candidate to potential employers. And let's not forget the financial benefits. Starting your career sooner means you start earning a salary sooner. That means financial independence and the freedom to pursue your goals, whether it's travelling the world, saving for a house, or simply having some extra spending money.

Reduced Financial Burden:

University isn't cheap, that's no secret. Tuition fees and living expenses can put a real strain on your wallet or your parents. Fast-tracking your degree can significantly reduce this financial burden. By spending less time enrolled, you'll pay less in tuition fees. Plus, you'll likely spend less on living expenses like rent, groceries, and textbooks. It's like lightening your backpack – both literally and figuratively. While financial aid options are available for students in accelerated programs, fast-tracking can still offer substantial cost savings.

Maintaining Focus:

Let's be honest, long study breaks can disrupt your learning flow. Spreading your degree over a longer period can make it harder to stay focused and motivated. Fast-tracking helps you maintain momentum. By completing your degree in a shorter timeframe, you'll stay laser-focused on your studies, reducing the risk of getting sidetracked and losing motivation. Imagine the feeling of accomplishment as you tick off subjects and semesters quickly. It's a fantastic way to stay energized and motivated throughout your academic journey.

Fast-Track Options in Australia

Summer Schools and Winter Sessions

Imagine attending lectures on a sunny summer break or tackling a subject during the winter lull. That's the beauty of summer schools and winter sessions! These condensed study periods allow you to knock out additional subjects outside the regular semesters. This can be a fantastic way to:

  • Shorten your overall degree time: Completing extra subjects during breaks helps you graduate sooner, potentially saving you a year or more.

  • Stay on track: If you need to catch up due to unforeseen circumstances, summer schools and winter sessions can help you get back on schedule.

  • Maintain momentum: Keeping the learning flow going can be easier when you don't have lengthy breaks between semesters.

Many universities in Australia offer summer schools and winter sessions. Here's a handy resource from the Australian Government Department of Education and Skills to find participating universities: Find a course to study - Department of Education, Australian Government

Credit Transfer from VET Courses: Leverage Your Existing Skills

Have you completed a vocational education and training (VET) course? Don't underestimate its value! Many institutes in Australia offer "recognition of prior learning" (RPL) for relevant VET qualifications. This means you can potentially receive credit for subjects in your chosen university degree program that align with the skills and knowledge you've already acquired through your VET course.

For instance, someone with a Diploma of Building & Construction might be able to get credit towards a Bachelor of Construction Management. This can significantly reduce the total number of subjects you need to complete at university, leading to faster graduation.

Fast-Track Degree Programs

Some universities offer specifically designed fast-track degree programs. These programs condense the traditional three or four-year degree structure into a shorter timeframe, often by:

  • Offering more intensive semesters: These programs may have more subjects per semester compared to a standard program.

  • Incorporating shorter breaks: There might be fewer or no study breaks throughout the year.

This accelerated approach is ideal for highly motivated students who want to graduate and enter the workforce quickly. 

Focus on Specific Programs

Now that you've explored some general fast-tracking options, let's delve into specific programs that can help you achieve your career goals even faster.

  • Considering a career in Civil Engineering? Norton Institute offers a highly regarded Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design PR Pathway. This program provides students with the practical skills and industry knowledge sought after by top employers, potentially allowing them to fast-track their entry into a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil). Graduates of this program may find themselves well-positioned for roles in structural, geotechnical, or transportation engineering.

  • Fast-Track Your Management Skills: Let's say your sights are set on a leadership role. While a fast-track degree program can accelerate your overall qualification timeline, Norton Institute also offers a Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning). This program provides valuable leadership and management skills that can be a perfect complement to your existing qualifications, fast-tracking your promotion potential within your chosen field. This program is ideal for recent graduates or those looking to enhance their existing skills.

Norton's Diploma of Hospitality Management-SIT50422 can also be a launchpad for your success. This program helps you with the essential skills and knowledge in areas like guest service operations, food and beverage management, and event coordination. By providing a strong foundation in hospitality principles, this diploma can help you fast-track your entry into the industry or potentially gain credit towards a higher qualification like a Bachelor of Hospitality Management, saving you valuable time on your academic journey.

Ready to explore your fast-tracking possibilities? 

Start with Norton Institute which offers programs aligned with your career goals. Explore their fast-track options, summer schools, and potential credit transfer opportunities from your VET qualifications.

So why wait? Take the first step towards a brighter, faster future. 

Fast-track your education with Norton Institute today!


Can you earn a university degree faster?

Answer: You can choose to speed up your degree with intense classes during the summer vacation, catch up on a course you missed or failed earlier, or finish your general education requirements outside of class.

What is a fast-track bachelor's degree?

Answer: Fast-track programs are year-round bachelor of science degree programs that are shorter in duration than accelerated programs. These programs last between 15 and 24 months and are accessible to students who have completed the required number of college courses and prerequisites.

What is the shortest time to earn a degree?

Answer: The shortest college degree is often an associate's degree, which takes around two years to finish. Some college-level certificate programs may only take a few months to finish. Rapid bachelor's degrees are typically planned to last three years.

How soon can you complete a degree?

Two-year or accelerated degrees are exactly what they sound like degree programs that take two years instead of the normal three or four. A fast-tracked course would cover the same subject and result in the same certificate as a three-year course.